our story

like so many others before us, we met at a young life camp.  and not just any young life camp: love canyon.  we were summer interns together, becoming best of friends while spending 3 months in beautiful northern arizona.

the story might be a little more complicated, messy, and drama-filled than i am letting on...but you can ask me about that later, okay?

ruffin drove me to the airport at the end of the summer, saying goodbye for four months--as i was headed to costa rica with my best friend for a semester abroad.  and so the distance began.

fast forward to december of 20007: my sister gets married.  ruffin & i are re-united.  we go on our first date.  have our first kiss.  drop the l-bomb.  and that was just one night!

but alas, the distance continues as i have two years of school left at the best university in the country.  so we do the whole fly across the country to see each other once a month thing, talk on the phone for hours, and fall head over heels for each other.  distance was: the best thing for us that we hope to never have to do again.

and then...i graduate.  and we get engaged.  on the same day.  happiness abounds.  two weeks later, i move to north carolina and end this distance thing for good.  and again: happiness abounds.

december 19, 2009...we tie the knot.

and are pretty dang excited about it.

so there it is!  the shortest version i can manage of our story.  it's been an awesome journey since then, and we are excited to see what the Lord has up ahead for us, too.
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