
i love this.

this = early morning breakfast at first watch with 2 of my closest friends. that both live in kansas...and so do i, for now. i love getting to do this.

and i love this. this this is my best friend making me laugh. and she does this almost daily in person. last year, she was in spain. i was in north carolina. now, we live 2 minutes away. i could get used to this.

and this. well, duh--do you see that face? how could i not love this kid?

speaking of--that kid is having surgery tomorrow to repair his little bundle of joy. i'll keep you posted with his progress, we are praying for a super speedy recovery!


in case you were hoping to hear about what ruffin is loving right now, in a word: FOOTBALL.

1 comment:

  1. Joy in every posting. I love knowing what you're up to, and not having to feel creepy about it in the least bit.


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