
love for the nerd in me.

lots of fun things to update you on!

look forward to hearing about: how cute our nephews are (new pictures to prove it!), what ruffin ate at the north carolina state fair, how the Lord is moving in our hearts, and how awesome cookout is.

but this...this can't wait.

most everyone who knows me knows that i'm a pretty quirky gal. i have a well-nurtured oral fixation and you will never find me without gum in my mouth. i strongly dislike, and i'll even throw it out there- hate: geo trackers, jean shorts, and japanimation. sorry dragonballz. and i keep a planner.

that last one might not have sounded too weird. most people keep planners, life is just too busy to remember everything going on without one. but see, i love my planner. i get unnaturally excited on the day i get to buy my planner for the next year. pick out a new design. transfer all the birthdays and anniversaries from my previous to the new in blue ink (maybe another quirk...not a fan of black ink). imagine all the lists i'll get to make with little boxes next to them to be checked off in the nearby future. seriously...it just might be the best $9.95 i spend all year.

and that's because 3 years ago, i found peter pauper compact engagement planners at barnes & noble. they're barely bigger than my hand. they come in lots of crazy cute designs. they are week by week and leave plenty of blank space for lists & events. they have a ribbon place holder. they bind shut. they lie flat. and most importantly...they are hardback. don't even talk to me about some floppy spiral bound planner--don't want to hear it. if you're legit about carrying your planner with you wherever you go for 16 months (and yes, i know there's only 12 in a year thankyouverymuch) that won't cut it.

thanks for listening to my quirks & the nerd in me. i can't hide it anymore-- i love my planner. and if you tick like i do and had one of these babies for yourself, you would too.


  1. mmm...add that to my Christmas list! but not the cat one, gross!

  2. love, LOVE those planners! I don't think I've ever seen one before. Umm, definitely picking one up when I get home.


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