
something extra special

okay, so it's not that special. sorry for the pump-fake. but! i decided since you guys are with me week after week reading the ridiculous things i choose to write about on this thing, you should have the privilege of seeing my pictures before facebook does! makes sense, right? you don't care, do you?

that's okay, you don't have to answer that one.

without further ado, i present to you some random pictures of our colony (neighborhood):

veggie carts are everywhere, this was right outside our door

there's this beauty shop down the street, and a handful of ladies just sit outside of it chatting and shelling peas and stuff all day. makes me smile.

lots and lots of daycares around here, too. they have murals like these that say things like "brush your teeth!" and "mickey mouse!" in conversation bubbles over cartoons.

one of the dobi's--they iron out clothes, and sometimes wash them, too.

some neighborhood boys, walking with their arms around each other, of course

sometimes, the chicken is a little too fresh. i know this is very western of me, but i prefer to not hear the bocking of the chicken fall silent as i order some meat.

on saturdays, there is a market right off the main road, where you can find all sorts of odds and ends and foods, and one thing it definitely doesn't lack is color.

so that's a little corner of our neb sarai, southern delhi hood! more later.


  1. i am a huge fan of the photo sneak-peek so i don't have to sneak peeks on tuck's fb. miss you.

  2. i am seriously re-living my weeks in India through your pictures. I can't believe only 3 years ago I was there! Please keep posting them. You are seriously going to the exact places I went to while I was there :) Taj, market, experiencing India-time...love it! and you both!


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