
ramblings of thankfulness.

so tonight (yes tonight), just for kicks, i looked back at my very first blog post.

it's been almost a year since i sat down and wrote it, and i still remember the nervousness, the excitement, the eager anticipation that came with doing something completely out of the ordinary, completely out of my own control, completely different than my plan was for our future. no, i'm not talking about starting a blog--i'm talking about quitting our jobs. packing up all of our barely-used wedding presents and giving up our apartment. leaving raleigh and moving back in with my parents for a few months. joining cpx to see if God was leading us to do this overseas missions thing for real.

and now, looking back at the months that followed, all i can say is: wow. God is so good. and we got to experience him in a totally new way, which was incredible. it was the first time either of us raised money, and we were amazed at how well God provides. ($10 more than what we were hoping to raise was donated). it was our first time going overseas together (our honeymoon was awesome, but since we didn't leave the resort, i don't know if it really counts as "going overseas" together). our minds were stretched and our faith grew together as we met people and were immersed in a culture very different from our own. it wasn't all butterflies and rainbows--some of it was freaking hard. but at the end of the day, i'm overflowing with thankfulness of what the Lord let us experience.

and i've got a secret. something we're totally convinced of: "missions" is a lifestyle, not a zip code. while overseas missions will always be a part of our hearts, we are so excited to follow our calling, dreams, and passions here in the USA. yes, we are excited to have a place to call our own again here shortly (c'mon, it has been almost a year!); and yes, we pray we are still trusting God with reckless abandon in our lives, and throwing our story into his--it's so much better, richer, fuller, deeper than the one i keep trying to write for us.

it's been a crazy journey. but we are so thankful for the ride.

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