
he's OK for a boy.

the past few weeks in kansas city have been a whole lot of wonderful. i've been cooking (and not buying many groceries--SCORE.), running, waking up each morning to a hot mug of tea and a good book, getting our fill of jose peppers & oklahoma joe's (i'm sorry if you don't know what i'm talking about- 2 of the best restaurants in the entire world. fact.), and most importantly, spending a lot of time with some of my favorite people ever. it's been SO good to be in kansas city. i had forgotten how much there is to love about this place.

last night we celebrated my old man's birthday with my cute momma, big brother, and his better half. (p.s. make these mini oreo cheesecakes. now.) and it got me even more excited about this weekend when the rest of the bram fam comes in town! that's right we will get to spend most the weekend with ang & rickster! and we just found out yesterday, which makes the news even more fun.

i think about my sister almost as much as i think about food (i.e. all the time), but even more so lately because i just finished this outstanding book:

i picked it up at a used bookstore and the first line is what sold me.

"Dear sister,
My name is Olivia Hunt. I am your sister. You are inside mom. Jim is our brother. He's OK for a boy."

see? don't you already know it's going to be funny? not only was it funny, it was an awesome depiction of what being sisters really looks like (and sorry, i'm not talking sorority)...with so many shared life & space over the years, you're bound to fight more than you ever would with a friend, and annoy the begeezus out of each other (mostly on purpose), but at the end of the day there's hardly anyone that knows each other better, loves each other more, is more protective, and is always in each other's corner.

i loved it. i laughed out loud and cried a lot, too. if you can't handle an R-rated movie, this might not be the best choice for you...but i would highly recommend it to anyone looking to get caught up in a good story.

and now that i'm done, i'm looking for another good read...any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. LIBS! I want to read that book after reading your post! Talk to Kristina about what to read next. She goes through books like I go through french fries or ice cream - a lot and fast. She always has good suggestions!


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