
"i peed outside."

i get to spend some of my time each week hanging out with these 2 adorable little boys, a 5 year old, and a turning-3-tomorrow year old. and they are insanely cute--i'll get a picture of them soon to share. but for now, here are some of my favorite moments of the week with them:

-i pour the 3 year old some apple cider, and he runs off with it right as the 5 year old comes up to me and demands some. as i'm handing the 5 year old his apple cider, he asks where his brother is.
"hmm...i'm not sure, let's go look for him."
so i walk around and as i'm walking by the front window i see his little t-shirt, he is standing in front of the house. i walk outside, and what do i see? a little boy with his shorts around his ankles, pulling up his buzz lightyear underwear, and looking up at me with a look of absolute delight, saying "i peed outside."

-i told the 5 year old yesterday that he will get to meet my husband next week, and in response:
him: "have you told your hum-bun that i have a blue eye?"
me: "you only have one blue eye?"
him: "no, i have two...have you told you hum-bun that i have two eyes?"

-the 3 year old notices an airplane is flying over us, and stops everything to look. i pick him up so he can see a little closer, and he says: "don't! not too high! they can bite me!"

i'm sure i'll have many more tidbits of joy to share with you as i get to spend more time with these kiddos ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha, these are awesome!

    and remember cute little jackson from when you came in december? kelly was telling me a story this week about how he pulled down his pants and pooped all over her best friend's front yard. go jackson!


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