-speaking slowly
-listening to someone repeat what i'm saying
-listening to nepali
-trying to repeat what i'm hearing
-laughing even harder
-using a whole lot of hand motions
-laughing some more
what i'm trying to do is help someone who moved to the us from nepal about 3 weeks ago learn english. what i'm actually accomplishing is holding someone's hand a lot and laughing even more...but i'm not too disappointed about that. we were trying to teach introductions, the difference between first name and last name, etc. and after about 20 minutes, it went about like this:
me: (imagine a whole lot of hand motions) my first name is libby, what is your first name?
pabitra: wh-at ees your fist nnname?
me: (laughing) good job! but what is your first name?
pabitra: my nnname is pabitra biswaaaahhh
me: (laughing) great! pabitra is your first name, biswa is your last name.
pabitra: (smiling adorably) pabitra biswaaaa
and then i hold her hand and laugh because she is the cutest ever. and when i don't think she could get any more precious, she stands up and i realize she's 4 feet tall. seriously--remember, i'm only 5'5"
i get to do all of this with my good friend megan, and we spend the whole 20 minute drive back home talking about how freaking cute these women are--definitely a highlight of the week, what a privilege it is to know them!
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