
conversation with my jazzercise instructor today...

tammy: ooooh you're going to india??
me: yep! we leave in january for 3 months
tammy: my girlfriend just got back from there.
me: oh cool!
tammy: you know it smells really bad there, right?
me: yep.
tammy: you know there's trash piled up as high as this counter is, right?
me: yep.
tammy: you know people pee and poop right in front of you in the street, right?
me: yep
tammy: awesome!! you guys will have so much fun.


  1. she is right about all of it but I am praying (and know) that you will fall in love with the people and the culture!! :) praying for you!

  2. Lol..this is great! Hope your travels went safely, and so looking forward to keeping up with your blog updates. Praying for you guys!


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