here i am, sitting in one of the newest malls in new delhi that could literally rival oak park, listening to celine dion "my heart will go on" in a coffee shop with free wi-fi. so bizarre.
life in india is seriously hilarious. there's almost no absolute statement to make. we live in a nice middle-class neighborhood, with narrow dirt roads, street dogs that bark all hours of the night, and a homeless family living a block away. we ride tiny little 3-wheel auto rickshaws everywhere that we have managed to squeeze 5 people and the driver in, yet ruffin takes up half of the backseat by himself.
you could probably tell from the title that my line of thinking is not what could be called "logical" right now, so i apologize.
but i do have a good story for you, so get excited.
last night, we went out to eat for "continental cuisine" (i.e. anything that is not indian because my stomach has been crazy torn up and i didn't want to risk it) as a group, and we are walking around afterwards in this outdoor mall. i see a citibank atm, and want to get some money out, so i walk in, do all the right junk, and everything's going fine. the slot where the money comes out and i can see the stack of cash, but there's these metal teeth that are in front of it that are about to lift up...and then the atm shuts down. right now, it's funny, because i mean, is this real life? can that even happen? but not yet hilarious--because i called my bank and they actually debited my account $450. so, because we have an adorable little bank that's too small to even have a SCANNER, we are off to find a fax machine to use to fill out some form and settle it. i'm sure it will be fine, and eventually, hilarious.
today was day 1 of a 9 day training we are putting on for some people from a local church, basically teaching them a condensed version of all that we learned in 3 months in kansas city. it went really well and we are excited to get to know everyone and hopefully form some lasting relationships as well!
we are missing all of you and hope all is well! gotta go, backstreet boys just came on.
i know exactly which outdoor mall you are sitting in in new delhi! my goodness you make me miss that country! please keep posting makes me miss it so much! love reading your updates! love you!