
birthdays and chocolate chip cookies.

even though everyone is still sleeping in the part of the world where ruffin was born, we have been celebrating him and his birthday for hours here in delhi!

something you might not know about ruffin: though i love baking new things and experimenting with different ingredients, the man always and only asks me to make him chocolate chip cookies.

so he had LOTS today. our bellies are blessed by our friends who own an adorable little bakery in town, and they brought all the goods.

i'm so excited to see what his 26th (technically 27th?) year of life brings him. and pretty happy about getting to do it right alongside of him.

happy birthday, sweet husband!

p.s. the only birthday card i could find had glittery flowers on the front, and a poem with butterflies around it on the inside. it also was labeled "for my darling husband." cheese to the max, and it was too hilarious to NOT buy.

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