
the taj mahal

some quick facts about the taj:

built by muslim emperor shah jahan as a memorial for his second wife, mumtaz mahal (she died in childbirth with their FOURTEENTH child.) he was heartbroken and devastated, and what better way to commemorate their love than by building a $70 million monument? (and remember, that figure is from more than 300 years ago!) 20,000 workers were used to complete the taj in a span of 22 years, and when it was complete, the architect had his thumb cut off so he could never make a copy. there are now at least 3 replicas.

one of the red sandstone buildings in front of the taj mahal's courtyard

there she is!

they keep the fountains off so people can see the reflection in the pools.

this picture alone is worth the admission price.

a different view of the first red sandstone building

this is the mosque to the left of the taj, still being used each friday.

the building is way more elaborate up close than i had ever expected

so there you have it, ladies & gents. the beauty and "wow" factor isn't easily translatable to pictures, but there's my shot at it. i hope some of you can come and see for yourselves some day!

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