
indian time

today, i have an explanation of why i've been sort of MIA, wrapped up in a story that will tell you a lot about india.

last week, we noticed our computer screen acting up a lot--turning white every few minutes, and we had to tilt the screen different angles to fix it. so on monday we took a field trip to the apple store to get it checked out. they told us their technician was coming in later that day, and we would get a call from him in a couple hours with the diagnosis. no problem.

then, it was tuesday. no call...hadn't heard anything from them. so, we get out our receipt and call the number to check up on everything. they told us to call another number. and then another number, literally after calling 7 different numbers, we still had no clue if our computer had been looked at, and no clue as to who to call. starting to get frustrated.

wait a day or two. try a few more numbers. finally get hold of someone...but they aren't sure, because their manager isn't there.

screw this.

we go back to the store on friday, and when ruffin asks about the computer--he sees it on a shelf in the back, where they placed it on monday when they said they'd get it looked at. they hadn't done anything. after talking to the manager, he promises promises promises we will receive a call in one hour from the technician.

nothing. so it's saturday, today. we go back to the store, hoping our computer is still there...better to have a computer with a screen than goes funny than to let it sit on a shelf in the apple store, not getting fixed. and sure enough, when we get there, they had just sent it over to the technician (apparently he doesn't come to the store afterall)...no problem madam, sir, you will get a call in one hour. hmm...this is starting to sound familiar.

wait a few hours, no phone call. call them back (we were smart enough to demand the right numbers this time).

apple woman: "oh, madam, didn't our technician call you? your computer is back in the store, ready for pick-up."
me: "oh okay, no we didn't receive a call, but we will come pick it up. did they find out what's wrong?"
apple woman: "we couldn't find a problem."

so we went, we picked up our computer, and had a laugh about indian time and efficiency. and the screen seems to be fine for now, so you can expect to be hearing more from me, like it or not ;) (but if you don't like it...you wouldn't have read this far, right?)

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