
what i'm loving...

things i am loving right now:

indian mangoes
(i paid way too much for them b/c it's not exactly delhi's prime season...but yum.)

time to read (through the bible as well as lots of fiction)
i'm late on the bandwagon, but i finally found "the help" and have been saving it for the plane!

the sounds of india...i can't believe it but i'm actually starting to
appreciate all the background noise to life here.

the history of the city. being able to hop in an auto and 5 minutes later see this...
(qutb minar, more to come)

things i am excited about in the us:

showering daily. water coming out from a shower head. and it being warm.

being able to keep my nails and feet clean.

running again. (i can't handle running in pants
and indians definitely can't handle me running in my nike shorts)

so both lists are actually a lot longer than what i have written here, and of course what i'm most looking forward to about being state-bound is the people. i'm a misser of people: it's what i do. probably because i truly have some incredible people in my life--people like you.
reading this. right now. i am so very thankful for our friends and family and am anticipating the reunion with each of you more than anything.
although oklahoma joe's is a close second...what can i say, i'm a kansas city girl.

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