

since mondays are a source of groans all over the world, i have chosen mondays to be the special day where i get to read one letter a week from this amazing book. so now, i obviously really look forward to each monday.

and today, as i was opening up my book i realized: we've made it half-way. we are in week 8 of our 15 week international adventure. and like most adventures, there has been so much that we've experienced that is nearly impossible to put into thoughts and words. language has so much power, and yet it fails me in some of the simplest, everyday experiences. these little everyday occurrences that are so difficult to communicate add up to make the bulk of our experience (much like a marriage).

as i was reading words from a sweet friend, i was reminded of some things. that the older i get, the less i seem to know. that the less i try to do, (and let God take over), the more that seems to get done. that a perfect life has already been lived in Jesus, and i can relax and not strive for the same standard. and mostly: that God's love for his creation (every.single.person.) is completely overwhelming, deeper than i have yet experienced, fiercer than any parent's love for a child, with the power to absolutely wreck lives (in the best way possible).

because it is fitting and beautiful, and to celebrate the fact we've finally made it to psalms in our bible-in-90-days-effort, here's a verse from psalm 23.

"your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. i'm back home in the house of God for the rest of my life." [psalm 23:6, the message. emphasis my own.]

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