
what's better than laundry?

answer: anything!!!

okay, so remember that time i explained how i do all the laundry by hand, and followed it with the whole "ohh, but it's not so bad, i'm not sick of it yet."

go ahead and call me a liar. way sick of it.

so instead of that, i thought i could do something really productive and put up some random pictures that haven't made their way to our little corner of the web yet. here you go!

this was from the walk to the mall where ruffin got the bad backsweat. sidenote: turns out my hair is kind of wavy-ish. who knew? seriously--i didn't know this about myself until a month ago.

sweet hella.

taj'in it

the obligatory chai. milky, sugary goodness. did i mention that india is #1 in the world for diabetes? this is why.

me and the crazy aussie, irene

little boy on the street (wearing eyeliner, of course)

i helped out at a health fair at the us embassy for our friend's bakery, which was really fun. even though it looks more awkward than fun, just trust me on this one.

another cutie on the street

this is what ruffin eats when i'm not around. dominos. with a teaspoon of cheese and really thick, gross looking pepperoni. and ketchup for the sauce. (not kidding).


  1. LOVE LOVE reading about all your adventures. So proud of your guys.

  2. i miss you. and ruffin, i'm sorry if i ever called you picky. because i now know that there are few things you won't eat!


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